Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Viktor & Rolf make me feel sweet

With the party season in full force, and not stopping anytime soon, you tend to find this is when your favourite fragrance tends to run a little low and you start considering new options to pop on your Christmas list.
Now if you're a bit a girly girl then Viktor & Rolf have you covered this season!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

I'm on Bloglovin now!

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Winter Skin : Body shop to the rescue!

To mangle a quote from the oh so popular Game of Thrones Winter is no longer coming, it's damn well arrived. Which means that facial skin around the UK (and beyond) is getting really stressed and in my case a little scaley... Well Body Shop might be able to help you with that.

Beauticology does Gingerbread Christmas.

Boots has its fantastic 3 for 2 on gifts at the minute, including a whole bunch of Christmas only goodies. Included in this is a little offering from Beauticology, that looked so cute I couldn't resist!