Thursday, 4 June 2015

Library scented candle... Need I say more?

I have been looking forward to this review for a while, and since the Boy was kind enough to indulge me (I think he was secretly curious himself), I bring to you Birch & Brook Library scented candle.

Look at that cutie! I hear you asking "But Kitty, how does a candle smell like a library?", and I say this to you, imagine an older library, not one of these new flashy ones, or a classic second hand book store and that is the smell of this candle.

Bibliophiles will adore the scent that exudes from this pretty little thing. It is both clean and musty (not the bad kind, the kind that leather bound books produce), with earthy notes of moss and cloves coming through. A lovely cedar pulls the whole thing together, and means that I don't have to look so odd sniffing in bookstores any more (I know I am not the only book sniffer out there!).

The dinky size is adorable, and the travel bag feels sturdy too. Two hours burning time was sufficient to fill our bedroom without overpowering, and the burning fragrance is so gentle you could have it burning for an entire afternoon without it getting too much. The travel size will give eighteen hours burn according to the blurb, but I estimate it'll be closer to twenty five if you look after it.

This little one comes in at £18, but they do a larger size for £36 which will burn for close to forty hours. You can find the travel size version here. Other delightful offerings vary from Festival to Dressing Room, but stocks seem to be limited so hurry forth all!

So what about you guys? Any secret booksniffers out there? And would this satisfy your need for literature based scent?


  1. You might want to check out "ex libris" by Tokyo Milk, Margot Elena. I do believe there is a candle by that same name I've forgotten the maker. I for one love the scent of old books, read and loved over the years!

    1. Ooh! Library scented perfume! Thank you for the tip; I love that warm woody scent they all have. Can't beat it.
      The more I'm using this candle the better it's getting too!
